Testimonial 1
Bangsar Indah, C25-1
Lorong Maarof , Bukit Bandaraya
59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19th September 2007
I was introduced to Christine Freeman via Damansara Fertility Clinic whom were acting on my behalf to try to source a suitable egg donor and also, to conduct my 3rd IVF cycle attempt.
Both activities were extremely time sensitive due to my work schedule & locked in timings for our relocation back to Australia.
Christine never waived in her determination , constant support and friendly advice throughout to find us a suitable donor. From our side, the process was relatively effortless & completely trouble free.
We are truly blessed to have had Christine’s help to find us a fantastic donor who achieved such a successful outcome for us. I am now 11weeks pregnant with twins and, have 6 remaining frozen embryos.
I have no hesitation in recommending Christine. I have no doubt that she is building a successful business which is both reducing the cost and improving the service for egg donation.
Testimonial 2
Having a child of your own at home is the best thing that could happen in a family and it brings happiness too. I would donate because I really wish that I could help those who really need it. The process is simple and they will run a body check up beforehand to make sure your health condition is suitable for the donation and a long the whole process Heart to ART is always there for me whenever I have any problem with the process and they are all caring and helpful people ^^
I feel very informed and taken care of under this egg donation programme under the wings of Christine. I feel stress free and the programme is totally safe. It has no side effects at all. Most of all I get to help people who can’t have children by donating my eggs.
Testimonial 3
"If you are reading this, you probably know already a part of our story. The desire for children is strong and has become stronger as time passed. The more you try, the more you want to succeed, the more you want hope.
Even when IVF failed on us in Japan, after seeing my wife suffer those heavy treatments, we still wanted hope. This is why we decided to look for an Egg Donor Programme. Our reasons for choosing Malaysia were: its proximity and the presence of Asian donors (since my wife is Japanese), the whole treatment costs, which are far less expensive than USA (as far as we were able to check). I must also mention the very good results of the Fertility Centre whose success rates are world class, and they are very involved in their works.
The Fertility Centre is very busy and so we were very glad to have met Christine. When you have such project, you want it to be perfect, you will ask many questions and sometimes the same question three times to be sure. Malaysia is not our home country, and we needed to have our mind put at ease. In fact I think it is impossible not to be anxious, but we need at least to solve practical problems smoothly. The Fertility Centre's employees were too busy to give us our peace of mind but on the other hand we found Heart to ART able to answer our queries and most of all offer a personal touch to our cause.
We now have to wait a little more than 4 months to finish this story. I have to thank the Fertility Centre and our donor, who undertook those heavy treatments to help us and also Christine for all her support.
I have still one final advice: "Be careful, the donors of Heart to ART are very good (very well checked) - do not try to put back 3 good embryos if you do not want triplets."
Testimonial 4
Dear Christine,
I would like to thank you so much for all the support you have given us through our IVF treatment, your patience in spending so much time with us to find a suitable donor, your availability to accept our telephone calls late into the evenings when we had questions and worries. You were always there for my wife and I and still are.
We are expecting the most precious gift within the next few months. Without your care and encouragement we would never have reached this far. You are our angel and we will never forget your support.
We would also like to thank our donor who was good enough to provide the further information we requested of her and who unselfishly donated her eggs so that we could become parents – we shall be forever grateful.
Thank you Heart to ART, you certainly have added Heart to A.R.T.
Overseas Recipient